Tell your story

write your story

Your business has a story.

And it’s up to you, and you alone, to tell it.

If you don’t control the narrative, you’re relying on your customers to do it for you.

A contact of mine, Sam Winsbury, knows this well. He ends his LinkedIn posts with #thatbrandingguy.

If he hadn’t, and someone had asked me what he does, I wouldn’t be able to give a coherent answer. I’m busy, cognitively lazy, and my brain is hardwired to conserve energy.

Your customers are the same.

But Sam’s done the hard work for me. What does he do? Personal branding, of course – he’s #thatbrandingguy.

And guess what? I’ve never had any interaction with Sam other than seeing his posts in my LinkedIn feed. None whatsoever.

So take control of what your customers think about you – if you do the hard work for them, they will remember you.

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