5 ways to destroy any organisation

Destroy organisation

In 1944, the intelligence agency that turned into the CIA released the ‘Simple Sabotage Field Manual’, a guide to destroying their enemies’ organisations from the inside.

Here are five of their recommendations:

1. Managers and Supervisors: To lower morale and production, be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions. Discriminate against efficient workers; complain unjustly about their work. ​

2. Employees: Work slowly. Think of ways to increase the number of movements needed to do your job: use a light hammer instead of a heavy one; try to make a small wrench do instead of a big one. ​

3. Organizations and Conferences: When possible, refer all matters to committees, for “further study and consideration.” Attempt to make the committees as large and bureaucratic as possible. Hold conferences when there is more critical work to be done. ​

4. Insist on doing everything through “channels.” Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to expedite decisions. Bring up irrelevant issues as frequently as possible. ​

5. Haggle over precise wordings of communications, minutes, resolutions. ​

Honestly, I’m amazed.

So many businesses inflict this damage on themselves every single day.

Isn’t that crazy? The same concepts that the CIA purposely use to destroy organisations are carried out routinely in our organisations today by their own hands!

If you find yourself guilty of any of the above, stop right now.

Take this moment and look in the mirror – it’s time to reassess how you can make your business better by ridding yourself of these awful habits.

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