September 2020 Traffic & Audience Report
Website Stats
Below are the traffic figures for September 2020, and a description of what went on behind the scenes. Dig in, sweet child!
- Total users: 132 (61% increase)
- Total sessions: 288 (87% increase)
- Organic search: 23 (76.9% increase)
- Domain Authority: 1.2 (33.3% increase)
- Linking Websites: 5 (66.7% change)
- Backlinks: 27 (68.8% increase)
- Articles Published: 6
Social Media
You’ll remember that back in August (seems like a lifetime ago already!) I stopped posting to Twitter and switched to LinkedIn. I took part in a LinkedIn posting competition, which meant I had to post to LinkedIn on every weekday.
In September I dialed back my social media use a lot because I was beginning to feel burnt out by the whole thing. I was struggling to find important things to say and I had a lot of other things going on (mainly a house move and trying to get the podcast live!), so it seemed like the time was right to take a break.
I still posted a few times, but didn’t get into a good rhythm with posting to LinkedIn at all.
Well, we didn’t go live in September as I had hoped, but we did at least get the trailer live and published to iTunes, so I’m celebrating that achievement.
I’ve recorded plenty of podcasts now and hope to drop three or four in a batch in October, and then begin with the weekly episode that I’ve decided on. I’m currently recording guest interviews quite sporadically – in the future I may try and book them in batches so they’re less of a distraction for my paid copywriting and digital marketing work.
I’m excited for the first episodes to go live and to be honest, I’ll be relieved when I can finesse the process so the admin side of things (which is pretty intensive, I might add) takes up less of my time.
I added six in-depth articles to my site in September, which was a great number for me. As with the other marketing channels, it took up a lot of time, so I’m going to try and scale things back to roughly 4 articles a month and see if that’s more manageable. It’s a fine balance between concentrating on blogs and podcasts which have a long-term payoff and hitting my short-term goals and needs around revenue, and it’s not one I’ve mastered (yet!)