The power of online learning

Online Learning

How many of you felt left out and disengaged at school?

I did.

I hated the formulaic lessons, everyone learning the same material at the same pace.

I struggled to focus, and didn’t really care about anything being taught because I couldn’t see how it could be useful in the real world.

I failed most of my mock-GCSEs, but managed to pass enough of the real ones to get into sixth form, which I did because I didn’t know what else to do. (Luckily, I studied for a BTEC in Sport which didn’t need particularly high grades.)

Fast-forward to today…

I can learn anything I want using the internet from people that are amazing teachers and incredibly passionate about what they’re teaching.

I’ve learnt practical knowledge from CRO masters (Peep Laja at, Facebook Ads ninjas (Molly Pittman and Ezra Firestone), Stoic philosophers (Ryan Holiday) and I’ve done it all without leaving my house.

I can study what I like, how I like, on my schedule and I couldn’t love it more!

With Covid-19 and people waking up to the extortionate fees of Higher Education, I’d bet big that Online Learning is going to get a thousand times larger and more influential in the years to come!

What do you think? What are your favourite online courses?

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