Choose your own sacrifice


Sacrifice an animal to the gods and reap a bountiful harvest.

Lose now to gain later – a conscious decision, with clear trade-offs, taken by many ancient civilisations.

Fast-forward to today. We sacrifice daily for little gain, mostly without realising.

We sacrifice time, and we sacrifice our happiness on jobs we don’t like, for people we don’t respect, in industries that destroy more than they create.

Is it a worthy sacrifice? Will we reap more than we sow?

That is a decision everyone should make for themselves.

The mistake many people make is not realising that they are even making a decision. It is easy to drift through life, unconsciously choosing mediocrity and sacrificing the opportunity for greatness.

We make that decision every time we spend longer than we’d like on social media. Every time we watch “just one more episode” on Netflix. Every time we put off starting that business that we’ve always dreamed of.

Your time is yours alone, and you must choose how you spend it. But make sure that choice is conscious.

Choose your own sacrifice.

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